Free Future
The Nuclear Free Future Foundation educates people about the dangers of using nuclear technology for civilian and military purposes.
A central focus of our work is the extraction of the raw material uranium, without which nuclear bombs and nuclear power would not be possible. The second focus is directed against the nuclear armament of Europe and the world.
Nuclear Free Future
The nuclear age was created by us humans, only we humans can end it again. The foundation wants to make its contribution to this.
Uranium already harms people and nature during its extraction. Uranium must remain in the earth.
Electricity from solar, wind and hydro power as well as geothermal energy and biomass is much cheaper than nuclear power and far less destructive. The final repository currently being sought in Germany will have to accommodate 27,000 cubic metres of highly radioactive nuclear waste, which will have accumulated by April 2023. With the nuclear phase-out, no more highly radioactive nuclear waste will be produced in Germany - apart from the research reactors.
On 15 April 2023, the last three nuclear power plants in Germany were finally closed down. However, with the fuel element factory in Lingen and the uranium enrichment plant in Gronau, Germany is still involved in the international nuclear business. We call on the Federal Government to shut down these two nuclear plants as quickly as possible and thus complete Germany's nuclear phase-out.
For decades, the nuclear lobby has been claiming that nuclear power contributes to solving humanity's problems, currently to reducing the climate crisis. We show that this has never been true.
A nuclear war knows no winner. Nevertheless, nuclear nations are renewing their arsenals. We demand that the German government sign and ratify the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. In 2017, 122 nations adopted it at the United Nations. It came into force on 22 January 2021.
The explosion of uranium-hardened ammunition emits radioactive and highly toxic nanodust, which penetrates cell membranes and from which therefore no living being can protect itself. The use of this ammunition must be outlawed.
As a comprehensive fact book, the Uranium Atlas shows the dangers of nuclear energy from uranium mining to the problematic handling of nuclear waste. The Uranium Atlas is now available in German, English, French, Italian, Turkish and Czech. Further languages are planned.
Since 1998, the Nuclear Free Future Award honors people around the world who are working for a nuclear-free future. For over 20 years, we have given a voice to people who would otherwise never have been heard. The last award ceremony under the direction of the Nuclear Free Future Foundation took place in 2022. In 2023, by agreement, Beyond Nuclear (USA) and IPPNW Germany have taken over the continuation of the NFFA.
Nuclear Free Future
Franz Moll founded the Nuclear Free Future Foundation because he feels obliged to future generations, not least with his nine grandchildren. He wants to contribute to ending the nuclear age as quickly as possible and thus also to minimizing nuclear waste.
The Nuclear Free Future Foundation was inspired and founded by the World Uranium Hearing in Salzburg in 1992. At that time, people from all uranium mining regions of the world reported on the environmental damage and disease consequences that uranium, the raw material of the nuclear age, brings with it. The foundation therefore aims to raise and strengthen awareness of environmental responsibility, provide arguments for phasing out nuclear energy, motivate people to protect the climate and save energy, and contribute to the outlawing of uranium munitions and nuclear bombs.
The Nuclear Free Future Foundation is a non-profit foundation based in Munich, which has financed its work and commitment exclusively through donations for more than 25 years. Without new support and further sponsors every year, the work of the foundation and the updating of the uranium atlas.would not be possible.
The production of the first URANIUM ATLAS in German, English, French, Turkish and Czech was funded as a project and carried out by the Foundation itself. The production of the first URANATLAS in German was funded as a project in 2019 and carried out in-house. In the meantime, the Uranatlas is available in English, French, Turkish and Czech. The Italian edition was published by a publishing house in cooperation with the Foundation. Other languages have been requested and are being planned: Spanish and Russian.
We want to use the success of the Uranium Atlas to create a computer game from its contents, the app NEXT Generation, with which especially younger people and the following generation can be introduced to the difficult topic of uranium in a playful way and the contents of the Uranium Atlas can be further disseminated. In this way, the topic is to be addressed primarily at schools and other educational institutions.
Franz Moll comes from a family of entrepreneurs in Munich; his grandfather founded the company in 1894. Franz Moll founded the Nuclear Free Future Foundation because he feels an obligation to future generations, not least with his nine grandchildren. He wants to contribute to ending the nuclear age as quickly as possible and thus also to minimizing nuclear waste. He is convinced that mankind cannot have a future if it does not learn to do without the atomic bomb, nuclear energy and uranium munitions. The potential for destruction is too great for humans to control. The individual human being has learned to renounce. But the collective of mankind has yet to learn this. There has never been a globally binding taboo. This means a paradigm shift in human history.
Franz Moll has been leading the Nuclear Free Future Foundation since its foundation in 1998. He is supported by his deputy Lorenz Moll and the managing director Dr. Horst Hamm.
Since 2019, the management has been in the hands of Frauke Liesenborghs. She brings her decades of experience to the foundation's work through her management of the Global Challenges Network e.V. association. The association had been founded by quantum physicist Hans-Peter Dürr in 1987 with the aim of connecting people, institutions, organizations and companies in a network so that they can work together and constructively "to overcome the problems that threaten us and thus our natural environment."
It is only a small team that the Nuclear Free Future Foundation can rely on for its work on the Award and the Uranium Atlas. Claus Biegert brought the Nuclear Free Future Award into being with great personal commitment and knowledge of its content, and for 20 years as project manager he helped it to achieve worldwide renown.
Today, peace researcher Sascha Hach is responsible for the content of the award, while Ulf Schwab takes care of the design and digital tasks. Managing Director Frauke Liesenborghs is responsible for the organizational tasks surrounding the Nuclear Free Future Award, which is currently awarded every two years. Journalist Claus-Peter Lieckfeld helps with portraying the award winners and writing texts for the award brochure.
Dr. Horst Hamm is the project manager responsible for the continuous updating of the Uranatlas and the language versions that have been published so far: English, French, Italian and Czech. He is supported by many authors, translators and especially Tanja Hoffmann, who is responsible for the layout of the Uranatlas as art director. Without the help of Günter Wippel (uranium network/Freiburg), Linda Pentz-Gunter (Beyond Nuclear/New York), Heinz Stockinger (PLAGE/Salzburg), Peter Diehl (WISE Uranium Project) and especially Franza Drechsel (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung/Berlin) the continuous development of the Uranium Atlas would not have been possible. Further language versions are already being planned.
Our website is constantly evolving. Ulf Schwab, Kilian Köppler-Fabian and Dr. Hermann Sottong are responsible for the technical/communicative implementation.
Last but not least: Martin Meindl ensures that the Foundation's internal IT technology and mailings function smoothly.