Support us!

The Nuclear Free Future Foundation is a non-profit foundation based in Munich, which has financed its work and commitment exclusively through donations and endowments for more than 20 years. If you would like to support us, you have the following options:

Money donation

Worldwide, the Nuclear Free Future Foundation has honored individuals and initiatives fighting against radioactive contamination of the earth, air and water for over 20 years. In recent years, we have published the Uranium Atlas in English, French, German, Italian, Czech and Turkish, supporting partner organizations in each country in their work. In the future, we would like to focus on updating and further distributing the Uranium Atlas and especially on educational work. Please support us so that we can work in this way for a nuclear-free future.

Become a supporting member

As a supporting member you support our work continuously with an annual fixed amount. Please contact us briefly so that we can send you the documents for this.

Your contact person:
Dr. Horst Hamm
Tel. +49 (0)157 - 715 43 231

Donation account:
Nuclear Free Future Foundation
IBAN: DE26 4306 0967 8211 3171 00
GLS Bank, Konto: 82 11 31 7100 BLZ: 430 609 67